Den Haag, Huis van het boek, 10 B 4

From Clavis Canonum
Library Den Haag, Huis van het boek
Shelfmark 10 B 4
Century saec VIII
European region of origin Northern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Sancti Mauri
Digital Images db.ecodices
Description at elmss.nuigalway
CLA CLA X 1572a
Bischoff number 1442a on p. 301
Main author Lotte Kéry

Den Haag, Huis van het boek, 10 B 4 is a copy of the Collectio Sancti Mauri, closely related to Paris, BnF, lat. 1451. According to CLA V 1572a it was written in northern France saec. VIII 2/2, even if CLA V 528 had suggested a "lost colophon" would prove a production in the year 800.

Note that the Huis van het boek before 2020 was called "Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum" and that CLA refers to it by the olim-shelfmark "9".

According to the description by the BnF, the Collectio Sancti Mauri (or "Redaction of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés" of the Dionysiana) is found on fol. 19v-194v. According to Elliot, the materials fol. 31-53 should be seen as a separate collection, an „insert … alien to the original manuscript“.



Kéry, p. 45; Bischoff, Katalog 1 no. 1442a; Elliot, Collectio Sanblasiana


  • Manuscript
  • saec VIII
  • digitized
  • from Northern France
  • copy of Collectio Sancti Mauri
  • article lacks categories