Düsseldorf, ULB, E.32

From Clavis Canonum
Library Düsseldorf, ULB
Shelfmark E.32
Century saec IX
Century 2 saec VIII
European region of origin Western Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Quesnelliana
Bischoff number 1072 on p. 231
Main author Lotte Kéry

Düsseldorf, ULB, E.32 is a fragment (four leaves, written in two columns, damaged) of the Collectio Quesnelliana. Loew, CLA 1188 and Bischoff, Katalog no 1072 dates it saec. VIIIex Bischoff: or VIII/IX) and thought it may have been written at Werden. Mordek, Kirchenrecht p. 239 dates it ca. 800. The fragments are not digitized as of 2024, but see CLA VIII or https://elmss.nuigalway.ie/catalogue/1663 for an image.