Città del Vaticano, BAV, Pal. lat. 574

From Clavis Canonum
Library Città del Vaticano, BAV
Shelfmark Pal. lat. 574
Century saec IX
Century 2 saec VIII
European region of origin Eastern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Laureshamensis
Digital Images digi.vatlib
Description at bibliotheca-laureshamensis-digital
Description at 2 digi.ub.uni-heidelberg
Description at 3 data.biblissima
Description at 4
Bischoff number unter 6543 Verweis auf 6534 on p. 415, 414
Main author Lotte Kéry
Main author Elliot

Pal. lat. 574 contains one of two known copies of the Collectio Laureshamensis (fol. 2v-147v); Maassen knew the collection from this manuscript only and named it after its medieval home. It was written around 800 in the Upper Rhine region or Alemannia ((Bischoff), or perhaps North-Eastern France or in the Cologne area (Loew). According to Bischoff, Pal. lat. 574 is similar to Pal. lat. 493, and one part of the latter (containing the Decretum Gelasianum) may indeed have been part of Pal. lat. 574. Parts of Pal. lat. 574 (fol. 152-165) in 1762/63 or 1770 were taken to Sankt Blasien and from there to Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, where they formed part of the manuscript "25.2.20" until 1923, when they were returned to the BAV (Kautz).



Maassen, Geschichte p. 585-591; Morkdek, Bibliotheca pp. 771-773; Kéry, Collections p. 49; Elliot at


  • Manuscript
  • saec VIII or saec IX
  • digitized
  • from the Upper Rhine region
  • copy of Collectio Laureshamensis