Category:Collections by century

From Clavis Canonum

There are 0 collections in the Category:Collection; they all should be in one and only one of the following categories (statistics by PAGESINCATEGORY):

  • saec. I‏‎: 1 collection
  • saec. II: 0 collection
  • saec. III: 1 collection
  • saec. IV‏‎: 2 collection
  • saec. V‏‎: 12 collections
  • saec. VI‏‎: 32 collections
  • saec. V‏‎II: 14 collections
  • saec. V‏‎III: 12 collections
  • saec. IX: 39 collections
  • saec. ‏X: 9 collections
  • saec. XI‏‎: 54 collections
  • saec. XII‏‎: 43 collections
  • saec. XIII‏‎: 1 collections

In addition, there are 12 collections of which the date is unknown.