Arras, BM, 425

From Clavis Canonum

Arras, Médiathèque de l'Abbaye Saint-Vaast (olim Bibliothèque Municipale) 425 (CGM 1007) consists of two parts.

The first contains the Collectio Atrebatensis on fol. 1v-67v; it is dated to the 12th century; part two (fol. 67v-79v) contains Lateran 1179 canons (Summerlin, Canons) and is dated "saec XII/XIII, post 1179" by Mirabile. Fol. 79v has a mark of ownership of the 13th century: Arras cathedral.

A digitisation of a black and white microfilm is available online at

Colour images of three pages (fo. 1v, 2v, 6r) are foudn here

Colour images of the whole codex:

The ms seems not to be contained in the online CGM?!?

For a dscription seeédiathèque-de-l-abbaye-saint-vaast-(olim-bi-manuscript/134464