Arras, BM, 425

From Clavis Canonum
Library Arras, BM
Shelfmark 425
Century saec XII
European region of origin unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. -->
Collection Collectio Atrebatensis
Digital Images bvmm.irht.cnrs
Digital Images 2 initiale.irht.cnrs
Digital Images 3 arca.irht.cnrs
Description at mirabileweb
Main author Lotte Kéry

Arras, Médiathèque de l'Abbaye Saint-Vaast (olim Bibliothèque Municipale) 425 (CGM 1009) consists of two parts.

The first contains the Collectio Atrebatensis on fol. 1v-67v; it is dated to the 12th century and physically incomplete. Part two (fol. 67v-79v) contains Lateran 1179 canons (Summerlin, Canons) and is dated "saec XII/XIII, post 1179" by Mirabile. Fol. 79v has a mark of ownership of the 13th century: Arras cathedral.



Kéry, Collections p. 279