Pseudoisidore, False Decretals

From Clavis Canonum
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The False Decretals are the most famous part of the Pseudo-Isidorian forgeries. Despite its name, the collection is actually a combination of decretals and conciliar canons, mixing genuine, forged, and interpolated materials. The material is largely arranged chronologically. The most complete version (Hinschius' "A1") contains:

  • Preface
  • Decretals from Cleemnt I to Melchiades
    • Correspondence between Aurelius of Carthage and Damasus I
    • A conciliar ordo
    • table of contents
    • 50 Canones Apostolorum
    • 60 Decretals dfrom Clement/Anaclete to Meclhiades
  • Councils
    • De primitiva ecclesia
    • Constitutum Constantini
    • Quo tempore actuum sit Nicenum concilium
    • Epistola vel praefatio Niceni concilii
    • Canons of 54 councils from the Greek councils up to and including Toledo XIII of 683
    • The Capitula of Martin of Braga are found in between the conciliar canons
  • Decretals (and conciliar canons) from Silvester I to Gregory II
  • Some 25 decretals and other pieces (pre-Pseudoisidorian forgeries, Pseudoisidorian forgeries, genuine materials)


Since Hinschius' editions, scholarship refers to six versions of the forgeries which emerged very early in the tradition of the False Decretals. A1, A2, A/B, B, C, and the Cluny version. A1, A/B, B and C contain all three major parts (decretals, councils, decretals)


According to Fuhrmann, there are "at least" 115 manuscripts, not counting excerpts. 80 copies are listed in Schafer-Williams' guide.


Kéry p. 100; Fuhrmann in Fuhrmann/Jasper pp. 137-195