Collectio Ambrosiana III in Milano, Ambrosiana, H.5 inf.

From Clavis Canonum
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Title The Collectio Ambrosiana III in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf.
Key MK
Century ?
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

Giorgio Picasso analysed the collection of 74 canons in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf. and entitled it Ambrosiana III. The present analysis (MK) is based on his analysis. He assumes that the collection was compiled for a canonry in northern Italy, perhaps at Bergamo or Brescia, in any case, within the ecclesiastical province of Milan. The collection has little in common with Ambrosiana I and II. It makes extensive use of the 74T. The canons following canon 68 are in a different hand and seem to have been added later. The most recent canons are associated with pope Gregory VII, including a decree of the Roman Lentan council of 1078 (JL ante 5065) and In die resurrectionis (JL ante 4828). The text of In die resurrectionis is close to that in the Collectio VII librorum of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33. Folios are missing between the present folios 62 and 63.


For the analysis see Giorgio Picasso, Collezioni canoniche Milanesi del Secolo XII, Milan 1969, pp. 144–157. The description of the codex is on pp. 23–24, that of the collection on pp. 161–222. Pages 249–251 contain editions of the canons which Picasso had not found in other collections.

For the liturgical text In die resurrectionis see Arturo Bernal Palacios, La redacción breve del c. „In die resurrectionis“ en las colecciones canónicas pregracianas, in: Proceedings of the 9th ICMCL, p. 926.


  • Clavis entries based on manuscript
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  • The page should be renamed (moved)
  • Collection
  • Key is MK