Swabian Appendix to 74T

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 17:50, 23 November 2023 by SStark (talk | contribs) (Inserted Infobox)
Title Swabian Appendix to 74T
Key ND
Size Very small (less than 100 canons)
Terminus ante quem 1079
Century saec. XI
Place of origin St. Blasien
European region of origin Southern Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

Bernold of Konstanz reworked the Collection in 74 Titles. This version is known as the Swabian version; the main difference to the other versions is the so-called Swabian Appendix. In addition, the Swabian version has a new title: Incipiunt ecclesiastice regule ex sententiis sanctorum patrum deflorate a legatis ipsius sedis apostolice in Gallias pro dispositione causarum deportare (ed. Gilchrist, 19). The most recent material contained are excerpts from two letters of Gregory VII written in 1077 (Reg. 4. 23 and 4. 24).

The canons of the Swabian Appendix (ND) are found in full or partially transmitted in several manuscripts, many of which are came from the abbey of Sankt Blasien to the south of Hirsau. Excerpts from the Swabian version of the collection are found in the Ms Berlin, SPKB Theol. lat. fol. 281, fol. 1r–26r (from the Rhineland, perhaps Prüm). Excerpts from the Collectio Sinemuriensis were often transmitted with this recension.


  • key is ND
  • from Southern Germany
  • very small
  • belongs to: 74T and derivatives
  • saec. XI