Cambridge, Trinity College Library, B.16.44

From Clavis Canonum
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Library Cambridge, Trinity College Library
Shelfmark B.16.44
Century saec XI
European region of origin Northern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Lanfranci
Digital Images
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Main author Lotte Kéry

Cambridge, Trinity College, B.16.44 (James no. 405) is Lanfranc's own copy of the Collectio Lanfranci, filling the manuscipt almost completely (pp. 1-404). He famously bought it from Bec when he himself was at Caen, and in 1070 took it to Canterbury. On p. 405, one finds (between two papal letters copied by different Canterbury hands) the following entry:

Hunc librum dato precio emptum ego LANFRANCVS archiepiscopus de beccensi cenobio in anglicam terram deferri feci et ecclesie Christi dedi. Siquis eum de iure prefate ecclesie abstulerit, anathema sit.

A few additions fill the rest of the manuscript up to p. 407; the verso of the last folio (p. 408) is empty.


Kéry, Collections pp. 116, 240