Collectio Beneventana

From Clavis Canonum
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The manuscript Vat. lat. 4939, copied almost entirely in Beneventan script, begins with the second version of the Annales Beneventani, which end with the year 1119. On fol. 26r is the proemium of the chartulary of the monastery of S. Sofia of Benevento, written in the same hand and also completed in the same year. On fol. 15r–22v is a small collection with twenty-six canons divided into twelve titles. 228 This so-called Collectio Beneventana was apparently intended to supplement the annals and the chartulary. The canons all deal with ecclesiastical privileges. The canons are not numbered in the manuscript. Ottorino Bertolini edited the collection in 1962 and this edition was reproduced by Jean-Marie Martin in 2000. The present analysis depends on the Bertolini analysis (BT).

Bertolini treats the canon on fol. 15r inscribed Ex legibus Iustiniani as an integral part of the collection, although he notes that it was copied in a different ductus. Canons 2–16 are taken from the Diversorum patrum sententie (74T) and are all under the rubric De privilegiorum auctoritate. The remaining canons are taken, together with their rubrics, from the collection of Anselm of Lucca. Canon 11 has the inscription „Exemplaria Wilmarii episcopi …“ rather than „Ex epistola Hincmari episcopi.“


For the edition see Ottorino Bertolini, La collezione canonica Beneventana del Vat. lat. 4939, in: Collectanea Vaticana in honorem Anselmi M. Card. Albareda (Studi e Testi 219, Vatican 1962), pp. 119–137. Chronicon Sanctae Sophiae (cod. Vat. Lat. 4939) edizione e commento a cura di Jean-Marie Martin (Fonti per la Storia dell’Italia medievale. Rerum Italicarum Scriptores 3*, Rome 2000), pp. 257– 272. –Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 288–289.