Collectio XIII librorum in Vat. lat. 1361

From Clavis Canonum
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This early 12th century collection is a combination of the A’ version of the collection of Anselm of Lucca and the Panormia of Ivo of Chartres, with occasional use of the Polycarpus. A larger block of canons taken from the Polycarpus is found in book 1, canons 36–64. In the present analysis the collection has as its key AH. The collection was compiled in the region of Bergamo. The collection contains a letter of pope Paschal II dealing with a quarrel between two churches in Bergamo which appears only in this collection. Also pointing to Bergamo is the electoral decree of pope Nicholas II (canon 1. 92) which appears in the same form in the Ms Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica MA 244.

At the beginning of the collection is a capitulation for all thirteenth books. The title of the first book is a combination of the titles of two augmented versions of the collection of Anselm of Lucca, namely the versions A’ and A Aucta in the Ms Venice: De primatu et potestate apostolice sedis et eius dignitate. The first book begins with texts on faith, as does the Panormia, although this is left unmentioned 226 in the table of contents. The rest of the table of contents is the same as that used for the A’ version except for the title of the 13th book: Tertius decimus continet de vindicta et de bellis.

Most of the books begin with blocks of texts taken from the collection of Anselm. The sequence of the texts is left unchanged. Then come series of canons from the Panormia, often in abbreviated form. The end of the last text on fol. 250 is missing as is the beginning of the first text on fol. 251. The numbering of the canons continues unbroken, however, and corresponds to the numbering in the capitulation. Stephan Kuttner has edited a spurious text attributed to saint Jerome: Inter alia. This text is also found in the copy of the A Aucta version of the collection of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Mantua. A shorter version of the same text also appears in a dossier on monastic rights in the Ms Leipzig, UB 276, which was also compiled in northern Italy. A canon taken from the Opusculum 28 of Petrus Damiani is found only here and, in a shorter version, in the florilegium in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59.


For this version of the collection of Anselm of Lucca see Landau, Erweiterte Fassungen, p. 328. – For the use of the Polycarpus see Jasper, Das Papstwahldekret, pp. 52–54. – For the use of Opusculum 28 see the description of the florilegium in the Pisa manuscript, above p. 224. See also Kuttner, Some Roman Manuscripts, pp. 10 f. His edition of Inter alia is found on p. 26–28, his edition of the letter of pope Paschal II concerning churches in Bergamo on p. 28 f. – For the letters of pope Paschal II in the collection see Blumenthal, Decrees and decretals, pp. 15– 30. – Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 291–292. See now Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, Some observations concerning whether or not BAV Vat. lat. 1361 is a text from the Collection of Anselm of Lucca, Ius Ecclesiae 13 (2001), pp. 693–715. Also Idem, Roman Law texts in the „A“, „B“, „C“ recensions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis and in BAV Vat. lat. 1361 (A Comparative overview on the influence of the roman law on different canon law collections up to the Decretum Gratiani, in: La cultura giuridico-canonica medioevale. Premesse per un dialogo ecumenico, ed. Enrique De León and Nicolá Álvarez de las Asturias, Milan 2003, pp. 437–468. 227