Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 180 Helmst.

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 20:42, 15 September 2024 by MB (talk | contribs) (additions from Brett)

Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August-Bibliothek, Cod. Guelf. 180 Helmst. probably French in origin according to Nowak, saec xii (med or little earlier), written in two columns, contains the second version of the Collectio Tripartita from Trip. A2.28.38 on. It is manuscript W in the Brett/Nowak edition. On the fly-leaf one reads: 'Ego Bruno indignus sacerdos offero Deo et sancte Marie ista decreta pro remedio anime mee', one of several gifts to the cathedral library of Hildesheim by Bruno, who was bishop 1153-61 – Handschriften der Dombibliothek ii 81.

An idiosyncratic text. In Part B at least it lacks the additions after Tripartita B9.2 found in CLRXSV and has some readings in the text which are closer to the first version (esp. ZJ) than even B, V or P is, though it shares with B the string of extracts from book one of the Panormia at the end. However, it does also have some features of the later form (notably the additions to the text of the Council of Nicea (Tripartita A2.1.11-2), which are present in CLRS, but not in X. There seem to be no significant convergences with the KNDM group. The frequent corrections are not characteristic of any second exemplar that I can identify.
