Città del Vaticano, BAV, Reg. lat. 973

From Clavis Canonum
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Reg. lat. 973 (saec. XII 2/2, in two colums) contains the Collectio Tripartita (= R in the Brett/Nowak edition).

R is close to Paris, BnF, lat. 3858B (= C), like which it has added canons in B 9 and has often been corrected, apparently against a first version copy, in exactly the same way. R is certainly not a copy of C (and L shares many idiosyncracies with C against RX), often agreeing with X (and sometimes S) against CL. It is most closely related to X, and both share a few readings with the KNDM group against CLS; defects of the ultimate exemplar of RX have been corrected much more fully in R than in X. A smaller group of changes link R with readings otherwise only reported in S.

The hands are elegant and lucid, and probably French. The last twenty lines of fol. 173rb have been erased, and only the odd word could be recovered under u/v light (Leonard Boyle, letter to Martin Brett, 4 March 1993), so it now ends in mid-B 29.283.

The presence of other texts unrelated to those found at the end of most second version copies in a s. xii hand on fo. 173r-v suggests it has always lacked those found in CL, S or WB. See too Szuromi (2010) 67-71, 134-8.



Cf. the Ballerini in PL 56.348-9