Paris, BnF, lat. 14145

From Clavis Canonum
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Paris, BnF, lat. 14145 is a composite manuscript. The second quire contains a fragment of the Collectio X partium. It begins fol. 9v with the Ivonian Prologue, followed by an overview over the first nine parts of 10P, the capitulatio of book 1, the first four canons and the beginning of the fifth. The latter breaks off in mid-sentence at the end of fol. 14v, the last leave of the quire. As the second preface normally found with 10P is absent, there is no reference to the last part of this collectio, the penitential book.

Fowler-Magerl assumed that BnF, lat. 14145 represented a first version of 10P which did not yet contain book ten. She further asserted that this version was compiled before 1110 because BnF, lat. 14145 contained none of the recent conciliar canons found in other 10P copies. Rolker argued that the fragmentary status of this copy makes it impossible to say which materials it contained or not, and even if the absence of materials like Poitiers 1100 could be established, this would not prove a terminus ante quem; he argued that the 10P version in BnF, lat. 14145 emerged at some point between the Panormia and the mature version of 10P as found in the other manuscripts.



Fowler-Magerl, Clavis pp. 210-211; Rolker, Canon Law p. 276