Collectio canonum in München, BSB, Clm 16086

From Clavis Canonum
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Canons found in the older core of the Milanese collection Ambrosiana II (170, 172, 175–176, 178–179, 182–193, 196–204, 213, 217, 227, 229–237) are also found in a collection in the Ms Munich, StB Clm 16086. This manuscript came to Munich from the canonry of Sankt Nikola in Passau. The canonry was founded by bishop Altmann of Passau, who supported reform efforts in the late 11th century. The most recent text is the decretal of Urban II: Ab excommunicatis (JL 5393) on fol. 41v. Among the excerpts from the older core of the Ambrosiana II is that attributed to Alexander II: Ecclesia que per pactionem pretii (JL † 1948). In the present analysis (RB) only those canons have been recorded which are found in the Ambrosiana II. The rest of the collection consists of excerpts from the Beneventan Collectio V librorum and the Liber decretorum of Burchard. There are irregularities in the numbering, including a jump from 89 to 102. The collection was probably used by Gerhoch of Reichersberg. Reichersberg is about 25 kilometers from Passau.


See Fowler-Magerl, Vier französische und spanische vorgratianische Kanonessammlungen, pp. 140–141. Eadem, Fine Distinctions, p. 151 and n. 30. – See also Giorgio Picasso, Nuove identificazioni nelle Collezioni canoniche milanesi del sec. XII, BMCL 3 (1969), pp. 139–141. Some of the texts that Picasso found only in the Ambrosiana II and edited in full are also in the Munich manuscript. – For other collections which use the letter Ab excommunicatis (JL 5393) see Somerville, Pope Urban II, p. 134 f and n. 239. – For bishop Altmann of Passau see Winfried Stelzer, Gelehrtes Recht in Österreich. Von den Anfängen bis zum frühen 14. Jahrhundert (MIÖG Ergänzungsband 26, 1982) passim. For Sankt Nikola of Passau in this period see Wilfried Hartmann, Das Bistum Passau im Investiturstreit, Passauer Jahrbuch 31 (1989), pp. 46–60.