Troyes, BM, 480

From Clavis Canonum
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Library Troyes, BM
Shelfmark Ms 480
Century saec. XII
European region of origin unknown
Collection Panormia
Digital Images (from microfilm)
Digital Images 2
Description at Panormia project
Description at 2
Description at 3
Main author Martin Brett

Troyes, BM, 480 is a copy of the Panormia (siglum: Td).

s. xii Clairvaux in two columns.

Panormia on fol. 1-133, to 8.134, has additions at end related to those in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871 etc. Text and rubrics close to San Pietro G 19 (Vo), cf. BnF lat. 3871 (Po) and BnF lat. 3872 (Pp).


For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia


Kéry, Collections p. 257.