Collectio CCCIX capitulorum

From Clavis Canonum
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The collection in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4278, fol. 128r–167r (10th/11th century), was analysed by Jacqueline Rambaud-Buhot. The present 66 analysis (RM) is based on the manuscript and the analysis. The texts are almost all conciliar canons. A third of the texts are found in the Dacheriana. Use was made of the Hispana and the Hadriana with pseudosidorian influence. There are also chapters from the capitularies of Ansegis and Benedictus Levita. Use is made of the Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua. The collection contains only two papal letters, one from pope Symmachus to Caesarius of Arles (JK 764) and one from pope Gelasius to all bishops (JK 636). Ample use is made of the Canones Apostolorum, but the only patristic texts are from the treatise De XII abusionibus seculi of Pseudo-Cyprian. The collection contains canons from a number of Gallic councils: the 5th council of Orleans (549), the council of Mâcon (581/583), the council of Auxerre (after 585), the 5th council of Paris (614), the second council of Châlon (647/53), the third council of Châlon (813) and the council of Mainz (847). There are also texts from the Theodosian Code.


Jacqueline Rambaud-Buhot, Une collection canonique de la réforme carolingienne (ms. lat. de la Bibliothèque nationale no. 4278, fol. 128–167), RHD 34 (1956), pp. 50–73. For the realization that the Herovalliana was not used see Hubert Mordek, Aera, DA 25 (1969), p. 221 n. 32. Idem, Die historische Wirkung der Collectio Herovalliana, ZKG 81 (1970), pp. 226 f. Idem, Die Rechtssammlungen der Handschrift von Bonneval – ein Werk der karolingischen Reform, DA 24 (1968), p. 342 n. 11. – Kéry, Canonical Collections, p. 165.