Düsseldorf, ULB, E.1

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 14:36, 16 November 2024 by SStark (talk | contribs)

Düsseldorf, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, Ms. E1 is a ninth-cemtury canon law miscellany. According to the ULB description, it comtains a small Cresconois fragment plus the Dionysio-Hadriana. However, Kéry, p. 15 following Zechiel-Exkes counted it as a copy of the Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342 instead of the Dionysio-Hadriana. Bischoff dated it to second half of the ninth century and based on the probationes pennae argued that it still was in Italy saec. XI; it may be the "liber canonum" in the Essen catalogue also dated saec. XI, and certainly was in Essen in the twelfth century, where it remained until 1820.
