Collectio canonum in Madrid, BNE, 11548

From Clavis Canonum
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The manucript Madrid, BN lat. 11548, copied at the end of the 11th century, was for a time at the college of the Jesuits at Auch (near Toulouse). The quires 2–7 once formed a separate manscript. A collection is found in those quires beginning on fol. 7r of the present manuscript and ending on fol. 68v. The canons are not numbered in the manuscript. Gérard Fransen published an analysis of the collection 168 and numbered the canons. The present analysis (FF) is based on his. The first 123 canons are decrees from the councils of Nicaea, Antioch, Chalcedon, Constantinople, Carthage and various African councils. Canons 124–160 are excerpted from papal decretals. Both conciliar decrees and papal decretals are taken from the Dionsyio-Hadriana tradition. Then follow a mixture of decretals, patristic texts and Roman law texts which Gérard Fransen calls Varia, many of them taken from Pseudo-Isidore or the Liber decretorum of Burchard. This part of the collection contains texts opposing simony, the most recent of which, canon 180, is taken from the Contra invasores et symoniacos of Deusdedit. This text is also found added to the beginning of the second version of the Collectio Tarraconensis. A copy of that collection (in the Ms Paris, BnF, lat. 4281B) was for a time at Toulouse. Decrees from the Roman councils of 1059, 1060 and 1080 follow. Canon 210 is taken from the letter of Guido of Arezzo to the archbishop of Milan, and canon 213 from the Libri tres adversus simoniacos of Humbert of Silva Candida. I suspect the collection was compiled in southern France for the use of the canons of Saint-Ruf. Canons 182 and 198 deal with the life of canons regular.


For the analysis see Gérard Fransen, Une collection canonique de la fin du XIe siécle, RDC 10/11 (1960–1961), pp. 136–156. – For the texts from the councils of Gregory VII see Gilchrist, The Reception, Part II, p. 198. Idem, Die Epistola Widonis oder Pseudo-Paschalis, DA 37 (1981), pp. 586 f. – Kéry, Canonical Collections, p. 281.


  • lacks categories
  • Collection
  • Key is FF
  • non-standard title