Collectio XXX capitulorum in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio XXX capitulorum in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871
Key ?
Century ?
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

The collection is found in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871 (which also contains the Panormia and the Collectio CXXXVI capitulorum in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871) and Troyes, BM, 1519 (Abbey of Clairvaux, Catalogue of Pierre de Virey dated 1472, item R.83). Both collections were first described by Gérard Fransen and more recently have been analysed by Dominique Stutzmann. the present analysis is based on the Paris manuscript, where the collection is found on fol. 179v-185ra.

(Content, date, structure)



Fransen, Varia


  • not in Clavis database
  • this article is a stub
  • Collection

DEFAULTSORT Collectio 030 capitulorum