Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Tomus XVIII
From Clavis Canonum
(Redirected from Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, T.XVIII)
Library | Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana |
Shelfmark | Tomus XVIII |
Century | saec X |
European region of origin | Southern Italy |
General region of origin | Southern Europe and Mediterranean |
Collection | ? |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
This manuscript contains the so-called Collectio CCCCLII capitulorum. This collection only exists in this manuscript, and as the capitulation on ff. 136v-143r makes clear, the total of 452 includes the preceding items in the codex. Manuscript has often been read in connection with the Formosus controversy and is usually held (since Fournier) to have been produced in southern Italy c.912-30.
Not digitized.
- 1r-49r: Cresconius, Concordia canonum. Heavily annotated and used.
- 49r-58v: Collectio 72 capitulorum. No annotation. Provides excerpts from Herovalliana. Perhaps Rome, c.930?
- 58v-136v: Hibernensis. Later annotation (late medieval?)
- 136v-143r: capitulation, beginning 1. Cresconius, 2. 72C, 3. Hibernensis, 4. 44C aka De episcoporum transmigratione, 5. seven grades... continues to 452.
- 143r-149v: Collectio XLIV capitulorum (De episcoporum transmigratione). No annotation.
- 143r-278 (end?): remainder of Collectio CCCCLII capitulorum. Some annotation.
- Giulia Cò, 'Il De episcoporum transmigratione, le decretali pseudo-isidoriane e i dibattiti sul trasferimento e la deposizione dei vescovi tra la metà del IX e l’inizio del X secolo', Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Moyen Âge, 132-1 (2020) [En ligne]
- Annette Grabowsky (ed.), Der Streit um Formosus. Traktate des Auxilius und weitere Schriften. Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Quellen zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters 32. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag. 2021
- Wilfried Hartmann, Kirche und Kirchenrecht um 900, p. 168.
- Kéry, Collections pp. 34, 56, 74, 176, 177
- Conrad Leyser, 'The memory of Gregory the Great and the making of Latin Europe, 600–1000', in Kate Cooper and Conrad Leyser (eds), Making Early Medieval Societies: Conflict and Belonging in the Latin West, 300-1200 (Cambridge, 2016), pp. 181-201, at 199.
- manuscript
- saec. Xex
- from Southern ITaly
- not digitized