Modena, Archivio Capitolare, O.I.12

From Clavis Canonum
Library Modena, Archivio Capitolare
Shelfmark O.I.12
Century saec VIII
European region of origin Northern Italy
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Collection ?
Digital Images
Main author Lotte Kéry

Modena, Archivio Capitolare, O.I.12 is the sole copy of the Collectio Mutinensis which draws on the Collectio Dionysiana II. However, Zechiel-Eckes, Die erste Dekretale, 50-51 counts the Modena manuscript as a Dionysiana copy. In this he follows Wurm, Studien, p. 32 who listed it among the copies of the "pure Dionysiana". However, Wurm at the same time was clear that Modena, Biblioteca Capitolare, O.I.12 contained the Collectio Mutinensis (p. 32), which presents the decretals of the Liber decretorum Dionysii in a different sequence (p. 80).

Note that the 2005 Clavis handbook referred to the library as "Biblioteca Capitolare Eusebiana" (apparently confusing it with the Vercelli library).



  • Manuscript
  • digitized
  • From northern Italy (Nonantola?)
  • saec VIII