Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
FU04.086e Collectio V librorum ( 1339) (FU) Wiki F185RB from biblical sources (5AB) CHRISTUS AIT CONVERTE GLADIUM TUUM IN LOCUM SUUM SUUM ET RELIQUA
Keywords: converte, gladium, tuum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
FY07.018b Collectio IX librorum ( 1349) (FY) Wiki F144RA from biblical sources (5AB) CHRISTUS AIT CONVERTE GLADIUM TUUM IN LOCUM SUUM PERSONARUM ACCEPTIONEM OPORTET
Keywords: converte, gladium, tuum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
HR28.14b Collectio Hibernensis alpha (HR) Wiki from biblical sources (5AB) CHRISTUS CONVERTE GLADIUM TUUM IN LOCUM SUUM IN LOCUM SUUM
Keywords: converte, gladium, tuum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
HS29.15b Collectio Hibernensis beta, Vall. Tome XVIII (HS) Wiki F91RA, HT29.15b F54V from biblical sources (5AB) CHRISTUS (AIT) CONVERTE GLADIUM TUUM IN LOCUM SUUM SUUM ET RELIQUA
Keywords: converte, gladium, tuum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)

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