Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
BN10.04 Collectio Barberiniana (BN) Wiki F19R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) UNDE SUPRA EX DICTIS GREGORII QUI IGITUR POST ACCEPTUM SACRUM LAPSUS ULTERIUS NON ACCEDAT
Keywords: acceptum, lapsus, sacrum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.027a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 26 QUI POST ACCEPTUM SACRUM ORDINEM LAPSUS ULTERIUS NON ACCEDAT
Keywords: acceptum, lapsus, sacrum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
FE01.02.17 Paris BN lat. 4283 (FE) Wiki F10R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) EIUSDEM QUI POST ACCEPTUM SACRUM ORDINEM LAPSUS POST ORDINEM DEPONATUR
Keywords: acceptum, lapsus, sacrum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
MI086 Collectio Ambrosiana I (MI) Wiki F20V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) GREGORIUS QUI POST ACCEPTUM SACRUM ORDINEM LAPSUS ULTERIUS NON ACCEDAT
Keywords: acceptum, lapsus, sacrum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
VB08.165.07 Collectio II librorum/VIII partium, end (VB) Wiki V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) GREGORIUS IN REGISTRO AD IANUARIUM CARALITANUM EP QUI POST ACCEPTUM SACRUM ORDINEM LAPSUS ULTERIUS NON ACCEDAT
Keywords: acceptum, lapsus, sacrum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)

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