Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
ME01.063 1. Collectio II librorum - Ambrosiana 46.inf. (ME) Wiki F25V Gelasius, see also Pelagius (1GE) EX DECRETIS GELASII PP TIT 17 ITEM DE EADEM RE DE HIS AUTEM QUI SEMETIPSOS ABSCIDERUNT DECREVIT FORMA CENSERE
Keywords: absciderunt, semetipsos, his (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
SD025.02 Concordia canonum of Cresconius (SD) Wiki Gelasius, see also Pelagius (1GE) EX DECRETIS PAPE GELASII TIT 17 DE HIS AUTEM QUI SEMETIPSOS ABSCIDERUNT DECREVIT FORMA CENSERE
Keywords: absciderunt, semetipsos, his (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)

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