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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
WO09.005.08 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F45V Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS FIAT DECANUS VEL PREPOSITUS ARCHIDIACONUS NISI LEVITA
Keywords: decanus, prepositus, fiat (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.09 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F45V Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE ALIQUIS CLERICUS ARMA DEFERAT ET IN EPISCOPUM ELIGATUR
Keywords: deferat, arma, aliquis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.10 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F45V-46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS SIBI PREBENDAM EMAT QUOD ECCLESIASTICO STATUTUM EST
Keywords: emat, prebendam, sibi (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.11 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS DEINCEPS EPISCOPUS SEPULTURAM EXIGAT OMNINO CANONICATU ARCEATUR
Keywords: sepulturam, exigat, deinceps (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.12 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM IN DOMIBUS CLERICORUM NULLAS LICEAT HABEAT IURERINT IN ECCLESIA
Keywords: nullas, domibus, habeat (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.13 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE FILII CLERICORUM PRESBITERORUM DIACONORUM SUBDIACONORUM VEL REGULARES FIANT
Keywords: subdiaconorum, diaconorum, filii (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.14 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NULLI CLERICO LICEAT DEINCEPS IN DUABUS NON POSSIT HABERE
Keywords: clerico, duabus, deinceps (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.15 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT OMNIS CLERICUS AD EUNDEM TITULUM ORDINATUS SEMPER ORDINETUR
Keywords: titulum, eundem, omnis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.16 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS DEINCEPS IN UNA ECCLESIA HONORES GEMINOS HABEAT
Keywords: deinceps, una, ecclesia (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.17a Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS ALIQUEM ECCLESIASTICUM HONOREM A MANU LAICORUM ACCIPIAT
Keywords: ecclesiasticum, honorem, aliquem (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.17b Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) INTERDICTUM EST NE REGES VEL ALIQUI ECCLESIASTICIS HONORIBUS FACIANT
Keywords: interdictum, reges, aliqui (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.18 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE EPISCOPUS VEL SACERDOS REGI VEL LIGIAM FIDELITATEM FACIAT
Keywords: regi, vel, sacerdos (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.19 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS PRESBITER CAPELLANUS ALICUIUS LAICI CONCESSIONE EPISCOPI SUI
Keywords: capellanus, alicuius, laici (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.20 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE LAICI DECIMAM PARTEM DE LABORANTIBUS ECCLESIAS SIBI RETINEANT
Keywords: laborantibus, decimam, partem (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.21 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE ALIQUIS LAICUS ALTERIUS HEREDITATES SIBI VERITATIS REVERTI POSSINT
Keywords: hereditates, laicus, aliquis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.22 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM UT NULLUS CHRISTIANUS A CAPITE IEIUNII PASCHA CARNEM COMEDAT
Keywords: ieiunii, capite, christianus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.23 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM IN EODEM NE FIANT ORDINATIONES NISI QUATTUOR CERTIS DOMINICO ORDINATIONES FIERI
Keywords: fiant, certis, ordinationes (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.24 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM UT IN SABBATO SANCTO PROTRAHATUR IEIUNIUM IEIUNIUM CIRCA NOCTEM
Keywords: protrahatur, sabbato, ieiunium (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.25 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM NE ALIQUIS COMMUNICET DE ALTARI NISI ET PER CAUTELAM
Keywords: communicet, altari, aliquis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.26 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM SI QUIS AD ALIQUAM CRUCEM IN MEMBRORUM REDDATUR IUSTITIE
Keywords: crucem, aliquam, ad (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
WO09.005.27 Collectio IX voluminorum Sangermanensis (WO) Wiki F46R Urbanus + Sancius rex (1UR), Claremontense, only together with Urban II (2CF) ITEM NE ALIQUIS LAICUS RES EPISCOPORUM VEL AB EPISCOPIS FIAT
Keywords: laicus, aliquis, res (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)