Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
AM42.086b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F115V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) ADORARE VERO IMAGINES MODIS OMNIBUS DEVITA MODIS OMNIBUS DEVITA
Keywords: devita, imagines, adorare (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.086c Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F115V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) SI QUIS CONTRA QUEMLIBET CLERICUM CAUSAM IPSO IUDICES DEPUTENTUR
Keywords: quemlibet, causam, clericum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.087a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F115V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 178 SUNT QUEDAM SCANDALA QUE OMNINO DESPICIENDA POSSUNT DESPICIENDA SUNT
Keywords: despicienda, scandala, quedam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.087b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F115V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) QUI DICUNT QUIA COMPULSUS QUISPIAM NECESSITATE CHRISTIANI NON SUNT
Keywords: compulsus, quispiam, dicunt (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.087c Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F115V-116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) PENITENTIAM VERE AGERE EST COMMISSA PLANGERE TAMEN PLANGENDA DECLINARE
Keywords: plangere, commissa, vere (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.087d Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) NUSQUAM CANONES PRECIPIUNT UT PRO EGRITUDINE DONANTE CONCEDENDUM EST
Keywords: precipiunt, nusquam, egritudine (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.088 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 183 SI MUNDANA LEX PRECIPIT CONVERSIONIS GRATIA IN SECULO REMANERE
Keywords: conversionis, mundana, precipit (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.089 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 201 AB ANTIQUA PATRUM INSTITUTIONE DIDICIMUS UT ECCLESIE FUERINT UNITI
Keywords: institutione, antiqua, didicimus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.090 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 205 DURIS MENTIBUS SIMUL OMNIA ABSCIDERE IMPOSSIBILE CULTU PROPRIO RESERVAVIT
Keywords: abscidere, duris, impossibile (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.091 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 207 AD PERSONAM IN PRIORI LOCO POSITAM NISI SOLLICITE COGNOSCATUR
Keywords: positam, priori, personam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.092 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116RV Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 208 DILECTISSIMUS ITAQUE LATOR PRESENTIUM NEMESINUS AD ESSE EPISCOPUM ORDINATUM
Keywords: nemesinus, dilectissimus, lator (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.093 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 217 QUISQUIS AD HOC FACINUS EMENDANDUM OFFICII FLAGITIUM SUMPSIT EXORDIUM
Keywords: emendandum, facinus, officii (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.094 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 222 SI CONSACERDOTIBUS RES IN EPISCOPATU ACQUISITAS VOLUERIT NON VETENTUR
Keywords: acquisitas, consacerdotibus, episcopatu (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.095 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 227 DOMINICO DIE A LABORE TERRENO CESSANDUM OMNINO ORATIONIBUS INSISTENDUM
Keywords: cessandum, labore, terreno (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.096a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 228 DE XENODOCHIE PRIVILEGIO QUOD ERAT IN FRANCIA SI QUIS VERO REGUM SACERDOTUM IUDICUM SUI DIGNITATE CAREAT
Keywords: iudicum, regum, sacerdotum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.096b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) DE MENNA EPISCOPO EXPURGANTE SE DE CORPUS BEATI PETRI
Keywords: expurgante, menna, de (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.097a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F116V-117R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) DE REDDITIBUS ECCLESIE QUARTAM INTEGRAM PORTIONEM DEO LARGIENTE PROFICIANT
Keywords: portionem, integram, quartam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.097b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F117R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) HORANDUS EST CLERUS ET POPULUS UT HABEANT ELIGENDI LICENTIAM
Keywords: horandus, clerus, populus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.098 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F117R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 273 QUERENDUM EST PRIMUM SI IUDICIUM ORDINABILITER MODIS OMNIBUS REVOCETUR
Keywords: ordinabiliter, querendum, primum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.099a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F117R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 273 DE IANUARIO INIUSTE DEPOSITO EPISCOPOS QUI POSTPOSITA SACERDOTALI CONSIDERATIONE IN STATUO ATQUE DECERNO
Keywords: postposita, consideratione, sacerdotali (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.099b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F117RV Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) DE LEGALI PENA IRROGATA FACIENTIBUS INIURIAM REBUS ULTIONEM MERERI
Keywords: irrogata, legali, facientibus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)