Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
AM42.027b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) CUM DILIGENTER QUILIBET EXQUISITUS ORDINATUR NON POST ORDINATIONEM DEPONITUR
Keywords: exquisitus, diligenter, quilibet (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.028 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 36 DE EO QUI IN SERVITUTEM QUEREBATUR AUDIO AD MENSAM ECCLESIE PER ANNOS OMNINO INCONGRUUM VIDETUR
Keywords: audio, mensam, annos (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.029 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 38 OMNES QUOS EX VOBIS DE LAICA FACIENDOS PROCULDUBIO NOVERITIS
Keywords: laica, vobis, quos (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.030a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 39 UBI EPISCOPI DESUNT UT PRESBITERI ET TANGERE DEBEANT CONCEDIMUS
Keywords: desunt, ubi, presbiteri (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.030b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) NEQUE MULIERES IN MONASTERIUM TUUM DEINCEPS SIBI COMATRES FACERE
Keywords: tuum, deinceps, mulieres (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.031 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 42 LEX HABET UT HOMO LIBER PRO EIDEM DEBITO ADDICI
Keywords: liber, lex, habet (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.032 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 43 NEMO POTEST ET ECCLESIASTICIS OBSEQUIIS DESERVIRE REGULA ORDINATE PERSISTERE
Keywords: deservire, obsequiis, ecclesiasticis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.033 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 48 DE EO QUI DEPOSITUS PRO LAPSU COMMUNICET INTER LAICOS
Keywords: lapsu, depositus, eo (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.034 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 61 LAPSOS IN SACRUM ORDINEM NULLIUS VOBIS ALIQUOMODO REVOCARE SUADEAT
Keywords: lapsos, sacrum, nullius (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.035 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112RV Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 59 SI QUOS AD CLERICATUS ORDINEM VEL ABSIT HERESEOS ILLIGETUR
Keywords: clericatus, ordinem, quos (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.036 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 63 DE EPISCOPO ELIGENDO PRIUS DE CRIMINIBUS QUE IMPEDIRE POSSUNT ELIGI IURE POTEST
Keywords: impedire, possunt, prius (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.037 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 74 QUISQUIS SEMEL IN HAC ECCLESIA SACRUM LICENTIAM NON HABEBIT
Keywords: sacrum, hac, semel (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.038 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 82 DE VOCABULO UNIVERSALIS DECESSORIS MEI TEMPORE GRAVIA AD SANCTITATEM VOCABULUM ACTA DISSOLVIT
Keywords: decessoris, sanctitatem, gravia (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.039 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 83 SCELESTO VOCABULO CONSENTIRE NIHIL EST ALIUD NESCIUM PREVIDIMUS ORDINARE
Keywords: scelesto, consentire, vocabulo (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.040a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 94 DE ACCUSATIONIBUS EPISCOPI QUI PRO DESERENDA ACCUSATIONE SACROS ORDINES FUERANT VOLUMUS REVOCARI
Keywords: deserenda, accusatione, sacros (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.040b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F112V-113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) NULLA RATIO PATITUR UT IN HIS SUSTINEAT INIUSTITIE DISPENDIUM
Keywords: patitur, ratio, nulla (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.041 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 95 CUR NON VIDETUR QUIA EUM QUEM UT HERETICUS FIAT
Keywords: cur, videtur, eum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.042 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 98 FACTO CONCILIO ANTE CORPUS BEATI PETRI DISTRICTA INTERDICTIONE VETUIMUS
Keywords: facto, petri, beati (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.043 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 101 QUE DE ECCLESIE SUE VEL DE HIS RATIONE CONSENTIAT
Keywords: sue, de, ecclesie (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.044a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 103 DE ACCUSATO SIMONIACO NECESSE HABUIMUS TE SUMMOPERE PER SCRIPTA VERIUS POTUISSEMUS ADDISCERE
Keywords: habuimus, summopere, scripta (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.044b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F113R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) DE PERSONIS RELIGIOSIS SI FORTE UT ASSOLET ALIQUA ILLIS VIDEATUR PREIUDICIUM SUSTINERE
Keywords: assolet, illis, aliqua (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)