Clavis Canonum – Search
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Key Coll. Location Inscription Rubric Incipit Explicit Addition
AM42.005d Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) SECULUM ECCLESIE EX LUCRIS TURPIBUS NOLUMUS TURPIBUS NOLUMUS INQUINARE
Keywords: lucris, seculum, nolumus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.005e Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) QUI ECCLESIE STIPENDIIS SUBSISTIT AD LUCRA PROPRIA NON ANHELET
Keywords: subsistit, stipendiis, lucra (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.005f Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) EPISCOPIS OMNIBUS DICATUR UT NULLUM FACERE VICTURUM CASTE PROMISERIT
Keywords: dicatur, facere, nullum (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.006 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 42 PARENTES MORIENTIUM QUI IN POSSESSIONE ECCLESIE EIS ACCEDERE DEBEANT
Keywords: morientium, possessione, parentes (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.007 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110RV Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 53 INDECENS ESSE CREDIMUS UT PROGENITI EX AD SERVITIUM RETRAHANTUR
Keywords: progeniti, indecens, credimus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.008a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 32 SICUT BAPTIZATUS SEMEL BAPTIZARI ITERUM NON NON VALET CONSECRARI
Keywords: baptizatus, iterum, baptizari (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.008b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) SI QUIS CUM LEVI FORSITAN CULPA TAMEN ORDO SERVARI
Keywords: forsitan, levi, culpa (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.009a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 34 ISIDORUS SE ESSE EXCOMMUNICATUS CONQUESTUS EST NOS VEHEMENTER AFFLIXIT
Keywords: conquestus, isidorus, excommunicatus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.009b Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) MAIOR IN SACERDOTIBUS MERCES EST IN POST INIURIAM PERMANERE
Keywords: merces, maior, sacerdotibus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.010 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 44 VIOLENTOS LAICOS COERCERE NON CONTRA LEGES LEGI FERRE SUBSIDIUM
Keywords: coercere, violentos, laicos (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.011 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 46 CONSONA SANCTIS PATRIBUS DEFINITIONE SANCIMUS UT SIT DIGNUS ALTARIBUS
Keywords: definitione, consona, sancimus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.012 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 54 SI APTAM NON INVENITIS IN QUA ANTISTES IRREPREHENSIBILITER ORDINETUR
Keywords: aptam, invenitis, qua (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.013 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 11 DE ELIGENDO PASTORE IUDICARI A VOBIS ULTRA NON DEBET IUDICANDUS NON EST
Keywords: iudicari, ultra, vobis (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.014 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F110V-111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) AD MEDIOLANENSES 70 QUIA QUANTUM EX CLERI RELATIONE DIDICIMUS EXIGIT FACIAT CONSECRARI
Keywords: cleri, relatione, didicimus (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.015 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 74 DUOS VEL TRES DE SUIS ELIGERE TRANSMITTERE NON OMITTANT
Keywords: eligere, duos, tres (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.016 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 77 DE ACCUSATIONE EPISCOPI CORINTHII CLAM PACATA EMENDATIONE PLECTENDUM EST
Keywords: corinthii, pacata, clam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.017 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 79 EAM QUAM STUPRAVIT AUT UXOREM FACTIS PERAGAT DARE FESTINABIS
Keywords: stupravit, factis, eam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.018 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 73 HABUISSE TE CONCUBINAM MANIFESTA VERITATE COMPERIMUS NULLOMODO PRESUMAS ACCEDERE
Keywords: habuisse, manifesta, concubinam (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.019 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 86 PUERI AD SACROS ORDINES NULLOMODO ADMITTANTUR ORDINES NULLOMODO ADMITTANTUR
Keywords: pueri, admittantur, sacros (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.020 Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 91 QUE POTEST ESSE PASTORIS EXCUSATIO SI ET PASTOR NESCIT
Keywords: excusatio, pastoris, potest (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)
AM42.021a Atto of San Marco (AM) Wiki F111R Gregorius + ex gestis Gregorii VII + Resp. Augustino et Resp. Petro (1GR) 93 CONTRA MOREM QUIPPE ECCLESIASTICUM EST SI ETIAM INIUSTA CORRECTIO
Keywords: morem, ecclesiasticum, quippe (based on Incipit field, taken from the unlemmatized fulltext index)