Hannover, Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Dep. 76, Heine-Halberstadt, Ms. 44, Mappe 2 No. 14

From Clavis Canonum
Library Hannover, Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv
Shelfmark Dep. 76, Heine-Halberstadt, Ms. 44, Mappe 2 No. 14
Century saec. XI
European region of origin unknown
Collection Burchard of Worms, Liber decretorum
Main author Lotte Kéry

Hannover, Niedersächsisches Hauptstaatsarchiv, Dep. 76, Heine- Halberstadt, Ms. 44, Mappe 2 No. 14 is a fragment (one double leave) of Burchard.

On the collection (also known as Hechtsche Sammlung) of charters, manuscripts, and other materials coming from or related to Halberstadt preserved as Depositum 76, see arcinsys.niedersachsen.de

Kéry, p. 143.